
Here is an interview I did with Josephine Reed at the National Endowment for the Arts about my poetry writing, teaching, and coaching.

Community leader and shero of mine, Ms. Joanne Bland from Selma, Alabama, after reading my poem, said “I know my work is needed and when I get weary, I will read your wonderful words and just as they did now get the strength to carry on. Thank you.”



 “Jonathan’s work is sensitive and awake. For such a young man, he speaks with a wise, poignant voice that thrills and educates. His perspective is fresh and his topics relevant and real.”

~ Gayle Danley, master teaching artist with the Kennedy Center, 1994 National Individual Slam Champion, 1996 International Individual Slam Champion, and 2006 Young Audiences National Artist of the Year.


“You rocked this grandmother’s world this afternoon; watching you recite your moving and powerful poetry brought me tears.” ~ Judy Hopkins, nurse from Maine

“Jonathan Tucker was a great poet whose poems are not only deep but inspiring as well.  When he was here, he taught me new ways to find my poems.  He was a great speaker and an even better poet.  His teachings were fun and easy to comprehend.”

~Carlos Campbell, 8th grader at Benjamin Stoddert Middle School



“Jonathan approached [our] students with confidence and encouragement. His own performance poetry was an inspiration to the kids as well as fodder for a discussion about performance techniques. Jonathan’s role modeling not only set the example of a polished, well prepared performance, but it also served to build trust between him and the students. I highly recommend him to other educators and organizations that work to teach, to inspire and to engage youth.

~ Jessica North Macie, Middle School Teacher, Barrie School

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“In a day and age where education must compete with Ipods, Facebook, video games and other media gadgets, teachers have a tough time grabbing the attention of pre-teen students.  That’s why I invited Jonathan Tucker to come to my 8th grade English class. He brought poetry to life! My students no longer thought poems were boring or something they couldn’t accomplish.  One student who NEVER completed a class or homework assignment the entire year wrote a poem Mr. Tucker asked the students to pen entitled “I used to be…but now I am…”   Not only did Mr. Tucker read his own work, he taught the students how to follow in his footsteps, how to look at poetry as therapy, as expression, as a future career.”

~Ms. Heather Hopson , 8th Grade Reading English Language Arts (RELA) Teacher, Benjamin Stoddert Middle School, Temple Hills, MD


“Jonathan B. Tucker has a way of relaxing the tensest muscles, setting poetry and performance within reach of even the most uncertain and fearful students. Naturally approachable and engaging, he models the principles and skills he teaches and then enthusiastically and effectively conveys them to others. His work commands attention; listeners feel compelled to catch every word, hanging on a clever turn of phrase or the juxtaposition of provocative ideas. His professionalism and passion cannot help but impress. I would ask him to work with my students again without a single hesitation.”
Wendy Bilen Thorbjornsen, M.A., M.F.A.
Assistant Professor of English
Trinity Washington University
Washington, DC











Photo 17

stop looking at me and go read a book.

2 thoughts on “word

  1. “Snap” as the title for your pictures=most brilliant thing I’ve seen today 🙂 Nice site! I shall definitely be back for more!

  2. You don’t know me but…
    I heard you on broadminded on my way to work this morning – I was tired and not in the mood – that changed.
    I know oregon trail and I was smiling.
    You inspired a different kind of day. Thanks.

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